Embassy in Jakarta

All practical information on our Embassy in Jakarta.

Address and opening hours Honorary consulate

All practical information about our honorary consulate in Surabaya.
  1. Last updated on

Honorary consulates have less competences than embassies and consulates (general). Honorary consuls do not always have the Belgian nationality or speak the official languages of Belgium. You should therefore always contact the Embassy of Belgium in Jakarta first.

Honorary consulate in Surabaya

Honorary consul Stefaan VANCOLEN

Jalan Darmo Baru, Barat I, 22 Surabaya 60189, Jawa Timur 

Tel.: +62 343 740 274 / +62 343 740 275
Fax: +62 343 740 273
Email: stefaan.vancolen@st-group.com

An appointment with the honorary consul can be obtained by phone or mail.